Have you heard of the saying “It’s not what you know, but who you know” and this unfortunately may still be evident when it comes to searching for hospital Jobs in Arizona. Because of the technical nature of healthcare jobs, knowledge and education are still necessary and required but having connections through social media and networking will definitely help in getting in.  Different websites provide excellent networking opportunities. There are general in nature, and some have been created specifically for medical professionals. The general sites can also be helpful, especially if you know where and how to find other hospital jobs in Tucson, AZ. Additionally, the general sites are great for reaching out to patients and consumers.

Here are several ways that medical professionals in Tucson may utilize social media, or social networking sites in searching jobs in the healthcare industry.

  • LinkedIn
- This is a professional networking website with over 1.5 million healthcare and hospital professionals registered for networking, jobs search and professional development. This website can be a valuable tool for healthcare professionals in Tucson when searching for a job, learn more about a company and it’s employees and identify companies you desire.

  • Twitter
- Twitter us a micro-blogging and at the same time a social media website. Twitter can also be a very vital tool in searching for hospital jobs in Arizona because the website can be an excellent source of professional networking within the medical industry. Twitter is even powerful compared to Facebook and LinkedIn

  • Facebook
- Of all the social media, Facebook could be the most popular and most registered in. Almost all people not just in Tucson, AZ but in the whole world are in Facebook. Being said, this tool can play a big help in searching and finding hospital jobs and medical contacts. Facebook can be one way for healthcare providers to maintain visibility and contact with other medical professionals to enhance relationships. Many hospital and healthcare institutions are already in Facebook such as Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association and Arizona Heart Hospital.

  • Sermo
- Sermo is an exclusive social media for physicians. This website was created to cater the largest online community and exclusive to physicians. With over 125,000 licensed physicians, this website will facilitate collaboration in medicine. Sermo offers a unique, confidential environment where physicians can informally consult on medical cases and share valuable information.

Social media and networking are taking on clinical uses as well. Hospitals have started utilizing Twitter as a teaching and marketing tool, “tweeting” each step along the way of a surgery. Some medical office managers and leaders in the healthcare industry feel that many social media sites could be an excellent notification method between providers and patients. For example, Twitter could be used for scheduling appointments, appointment reminders, practice updates, or public health notifications.

Networking and Social Media are old ways and skills of communication but nowadays a new twist has been added, thanks to the Internet! Before it was shaking hands and exchanging contact information at meetings and gatherings but now you can already network and socialize from the comfort of your own home.

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